THERMOSELECTSynthesis Gas UtilisationPure synthesis gas can be flexibly used:Energetic use•Synthesis gas can be used as a replacement for fossil fuels in industries, substituting valuable resources. The THERMOSELECT process then works without direct emissions. •If the local circumstances do not permit direct usage, a THERMOSELECT facility can be equipped with its own power plant. The following variants are possible:oUse in a steam turbine processoUse in gas engines or gas turbinesoUse in high efficient combined cyclesoUse in fuel cellsMaterial usage for chemical synthesisIn case, the synthesis gas is used for chemical synthesis, the THERMOSELECT process operates without direct emissions.•Hydrogen H2The simplest and most widespread element in the universe. Approx. 600 m3 hydrogen can be produced from one metric tonne of waste.•Methanol synthesis CH3OHThe production of methanol from synthesis gas is state of the art:CO + 2 H2 -> CH3OH Approx. 300 kg methanol can be produced from each tonne of waste. Methanol is used e.g. as a fuel and petrol substitute, in fuel cells and as a solvent for paints and varnishes.•Ammonia (NH3) respectively Urea (fertilizer)Modern synthesis techniques produce ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. Both basic elements are provided during the THERMOSELECT process. Pure hydrogen can be obtained from the synthesis gas; nitrogen is available as a side product of the air separation plant integrated in a THERMOSELECT facility. Ammonia is a starting material in the fertiliser industry. It is also applied as mordant and paint stripper and is part of glue hardeners.•Diesel or Kerosene (Jet Fuel)By Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, a technology developed in the thirties of the last century, the synthesis gas can be converted into diesel fuel and other liquid hydrocarbons. Targetting green fuel sources, Fischer-Tropsch Liquids are an interesting alternative to fuel production in refineries.