THERMOSELECTProcess ProductsMaterial cycle - prerequisite for sustainable developmentTHERMOSELECT transforms all types of wastes into raw materials. The pure synthesis gas is used to produce energy, or for the synthesis of chemical products.ProductUseSynthesis gas approx. 55-60 % of the inputMineral Wool - approx. 15-20 % of the inputIron-copper alloy approx. 1- 3 % of the inputSalt approx. 1 % of the inputElementary sulphur approx. 0.2 - 0.3 % of the inputZinc concentrate approx. 0.2 - 0.3 % of the inputEnergyMethanolHydrogenAmmonia, UreaFischer-Tropsch-LiquidsInsulation MaterialProduct for modern plant growingCopper millsChemical industry, e.g. as metallurgy additiveChemical industry, e.g. sulphuric acid productionZinc recovery